685B NEOTEC Monopod

Made after 2005-06-10
For Serial Number from A0133215

USED parts are marked as USED, parts not marked as USED are new.


A1 Grip (not a stock item)
A2 Release Lever (not a stock item)
A3 Lock & Spring (not a stock item)
A4a Cap Head Screws
A4b Companion Nuts
A5 Camera Lock Screw

B1 Wrist Strap

C1 Top Leg Clamp Assy (not a stock item)
C2 Rubber Foot (not a stock item)

D1 Foot Assembly (not a stock item)
D2 Foot Step (not a stock item)
D3 Rubber Foot

Editor note: Click the links to see the actual parts.