561BHDV VIDEO Monopod

Made after 2014-08-04
For serial number from A1491000

701HDV head

A Head Assembly R561,93 (Not Available As an Assembly)

J1 Upper Leg Clamp
J2 Upper Snap Lever

K1 Middle Leg Clamp
K2 Middle Snap Lever

L1 Lower Leg Section Assembly
(Includes: lock, tube, red ball joint)

L2 Lower Snap Lever

M1 Rubber Pads for Foot
M2 Foot Assembly - rubber pads not included

N Wrist Strap
N1 Upper Leg Tube with Grip
N2 Upper Middle Leg Tube
N3 Lower Middle Leg Tube

O Cable Clip
Editor note: Item numbers listed in the index on the right column may not be shown on the picture because the part may be obscured or is inside in underneath another part and cannot be shown. Click on the link to see the actual part picture.